Colocation Services - An Overview
Colocation Services offer a complete range of business server infrastructure, where the colocation provider manages to provide every single requirement from building, power, bandwidth, cooling, and security needed by the enterprise server. Given this, colocation is a great solution for any company that needs to move or expands its data center. By tying up with a colocation service provider such as i2k2, you can reduce your IT maintenance costs to a large extent and ensure better connectivity, security, and stability for your business.
Do not worry about any natural disaster or potential power outage issues as our colocation services allow you to focus on your core business rather than thinking about your enterprise’s hardware and software maintenance and upgrade.
Colocation Server Hosting Services from ZOP
Zero One Planet is a leading Data Centre Colocation Services provider in India. Whether you require managed colocation or prefer a hands-on approach, i2k2 colocation services give you a reason to eliminate the need to build, staff, and manage in-house data centers and server rooms. Our secure data centers are conveniently located in India and other major metropolitan areas. Zero One Planet ensure trouble-free colocation and migration to its scalable and secure data centers. Colocate and migrate your IT infrastructure to our data centers and enjoy several cost and resource benefits, while focusing on your business needs.
Why Colocation Services from ZOP
Zero One Planet colocation services help you safeguard your business servers and data by providing the utmost secured environment. Our colocation ecosystems are where hundreds of enterprises and business partners connect to each other through their IT hardware and software. If looking forward to collocate and migrate your IT infrastructure for better reliability, enhanced performance, improved security at a very low maintenance cost, our data center space is one such final destination for you.